Wednesday Wisdom


Fullstack Development Trends

Fullstack development has moved from rarity to commonplace over the past few years. In 2021 it is easier than ever to be a fullstack developer simply because of all of the tools available. A recent post on highlights the top 7 fullstack development trends to follow In 2021. It provides a stellar prediction of what to expect as the industry progresses this year and might even give you some ideas on new skills to learn.

Responsive CSS Frameworks

Love 'em or hate 'em, CSS frameworks have become an integral part of web design and development. There are many out there, each with its own cult following, so Super Dev Resources has published a list of the 15 best responsive CSS frameworks for web design in 2021. Unsurprisingly, Bootstrap and Tailwind topped the list, but check out some of the others if you are looking for an alternative or have never used a framework before.

State of Design in 2021

The design field is always changing and evolving so it's important to assess what happened last year to predict changes this year. Luckily, Abstract has done all of the hard work for us with their State of Design in 2021. Besides the beautiful design and interface of the website, there are several key points that are thoroughly elaborated on with charts, data, and research. A couple of the top ones are the necessity for better ways to measure impact and the pain points of design collaboration.

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